Nutrition Seminar: NEW Dietary Guidelines by USDA

Every 5 years the USDA and HHS release new and updated nutrition and diet guidelines for Americans.  Learn what is new and hot in the nutrition world as Samantha McCarthy, Cedardale's Registered Dietitian, breaks down the guidelines for you

Topics to be covered:

  • Focusing on dietary patterns versus single nutrients or foods
  • How to build a healthy eating pattern
  • Review of the food groups and how much you should be consuming
  • Recommendations on saturated fat, sodium, and added sugar intake
  • Key nutrition concepts for every age: from infancy to older adults
  • Review of 5 key nutrients most Americans aren't getting enough of

Tuesday., March 23rd | 5:30 pm
In Studio + Virtual 

The presentation will be 45 minutes in length followed by an open Q & A session.  To register or questions please emailed Sam at [email protected]