Hoist Roc-It Selectorized Equipment
Get Acquainted with our selectorized Strength Machines!
Traditional circuit style machines help you with isolated muscle groups, but they always tend to force bad posture out of people even if you don't normally have it. Bad posture is the #1 reason for back pain. When this occurs on a piece of selectorized equipment you are adding additional weight to your movements which makes it even more dangerous if you’re not moving optimally. By restricting your body's natural movement and forcing you into unnatural positions you are at a much higher risk for injuries. Traditional machines are fixed in one position, your movement shouldn't be!
Hoist solves many of these problems by moving the seat while you perform the exercises. The seat will move in a way to align and maintain joint position during the entire movement, from beginning to end. This reduces stress and improves your overall stability. These machines are also perfect for anyone who has suffered an injury. (Of course, ask your doctor if it is safe for you to engage in any physical activity). Want to learn more about the new Hoist Roc-It line? You can either schedule a complimentary equipment appointment with a member of our Fitness Staff or you can schedule a Fitness Consultation with our Wellness Coach Kelly Betts.
The Fitness Consultation also know as our S.T.A.R.T. program includes a brief medical history including injuries, a full physical assessment and goal setting to help you get exactly where you want to be! The Fitness Consultation requires a fee of $45 for one or $90 for four to measure progress.
To schedule a fitness equipment appointment please email Kelli Mokeler at [email protected] or
call 978-373-1596
To schedule a Fitness Consultation with our Wellness Coach Kelly Betts email [email protected] or
call 978-880-8113