
With the growth of tennis and racquetball as well as the addition of lounge areas and pools, Cedardale quickly grew in size and popularity as the community discovered that it was fun to have a great time on the court as well as socialize afterwards.

Cedardale experiences huge changes as 'aerobics' and 'Nautilus' machines became popular. Tennis courts were changed into multifunction basketball and fitness areas. Racquetball courts were converted to a double deck cardio and weight area along with a group fitness studio. Locker rooms and kids areas were built as a trip to Cedardale became an excursion for the whole family!
The options for our members to exercise grows with the birth of programs like Spinning, Yoga and BodyPUMP. Weight stack machines and free weight options are expanded to round out an individual's option to become healthier. Tennis and racquetball continue to be played year round and we expand our tennis offerings by covering 6 additional courts for indoor play.

With the continued evolution in the fitness industry, Cedardale stays up to date with programs, equipment and technology to meet the ever changing needs of our members. We begin to introduce offerings under the category of Wellness and start to incorporate Nutrition into our offerings.
2017 - A devastating fire forces the club to close for 2 years as the decision is made to completely tear the existing structure down and to create a facility for decades to come.

In 2017 a devastating fire forces the club to close for 2 years as the the existing structure is torn down and a new facility designed for the future is built.
2019 saw the opening of a beautiful, open, airy facility with renewed energy and sense of purpose. The excitement of a new facility was cut short in March of 2020 when Covid closed our doors once again. Cedardale was down but not out and quickly pivoted to grow the operation back to what you see today!
We're thankful for our team, our members and the community for continuing to support our vision of healthy, happy, productive lives. Cedardale will continue to evolve with the world of health, fitness and wellness so we can all be better and live well!