
Wellness Programs

Cedardale isn't just another gym. We offer a variety of wellness programs throughout the year to help you reach your overall health and wellness goals. See below:


wellness program
HealthyLIVING Weight Loss Program

Achieve your goal of lasting weight loss through our 90-day program that will transform your life through nutrition, exercise and behavior modification. Not only will you lose weight you will also increase your energy, control cravings, and manage your weight all while gaining confidence in yourself and your health.

Next Session:
Spring Session Dates Coming Soon!

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better balance logo

Who needs balance training? People who have suffered or are experiencing any of the following conditions: stroke, diabetes, neuropathy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, orthopedic and gait issues as well as general deconditioning. Our Better Balance for Life program is based on medical evidence that will improve balance, increase walking speed, decrease falls, improve sit to stand ability and enhance overall daily living activities. Program is open to Members and Non Members.

Mon + Wed
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

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Reset Your Path - Mind/Gut Wellness Program-NEW!

Do you struggle with your relationships with food? Do you often feel guilt or shame from what you eat? Does your mental health often interfere with your eating habits and overall health? Then it is time to consider our new wellness program: Reset Your Path which will revitalize your relationship with food and your mental health

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mom fitness class
Fit Mom Wellness Program

Pregnancy and delivery can take a toll on your body.  In this new wellness program you will join other moms as you work on both your physical and mental health with your baby at your side.

Next Session:
Wed. + Fri., 11:00 am - 12:00 noon

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    Wellness and Nutrition Lectures
    Nutrition + Mental Wellness Workshop Available on YouTube

    Missed the actual workshop? Catch it on Youtube and find out the connections between Nutrition, Mental Health, your gut and your brain.

    Nutrition + Mental Health Workshop 
    Now Available on YouTube

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    GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications: What You Need to Know Webinar

    Missed the live webinar on GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications? No Worries! You can view this very informative webinar presented by Registered Dietitian Samantha McCarthy on YouTube.

    GLP-1 Weight Loss Medication Webinar

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    InBody Body Composition Analyzer

    Go beyond the scale and get an InBody Scan. With our body composition analyzer, in less than 30 seconds you will learn your body's composition including body fat and muscle mass helping you to have a better understanding of your weight. 

    Book Your InBody Scan Today!
    $29 per scan or 3 for $65

    Email Wellness Coach Beverly Birnbach at [email protected] to book your InBody scan.

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