MyZone Challenge: 31 Days to a Healthier You

Challenge Dates: img
Jan 1 - 31

Register a Move with your MyZone as many days as possible. To register a Move you must wear your MyZone belt. Only one Move counted per day.

Prize Draw Tickets:
Participants will earn a raffle ticket(s) for the prize draw based on how many days in the month of January they register a Move.   Winners will get to pick from Cedardale Swag Apparel items.img

Number of Moves in Month Number of Tickets Earned
1 - 11 Days       1
12 - 15 2
16 - 19 3
20 - 26 4
27 - 31 5

3 Winners will be selected on Monday, February 8th.  Please be sure to have your data uploaded by then.

If you purchase a new MyZone Belt in the month of December or January you automatically receive 5 additional raffle tickets!!  Stop by Reception to purchase your belt. Questions?  Email Group Ex Director Samantha McCarthy at [email protected]