The BETTER BALANCE for Life program (formally Fall Prevention) to be taught by Margie Galanos, OTA is based on nationally accredited balance and fall prevention programs: STEADI by the CDC, Otago Exercise Program and Fallproof by Debra Rose, PHD.

The benefits of balance training are:

  • Improve reaction time - important to keep you upright if you start to fall
  • Improve coordination and muscle strength - provides protection to bones and joints
  • Building bones to help resist fractures
  • Improved brain function - clearer thinking helps avoid situation that increase falls
  • Reverse age-related loss of balance and help prevent falls
  • Build better posture and improve coordination
  • Recover faster from injury
  • Feel stronger, steadier and safer

Participants will meet twice a week for 6 weeks and learn exercises that will improve:

  • strength
  • balance
  • reaction response time
  • power
  • agility
  • coordination
  • confidence

Meeting Days/Times/ Fees:

March 10th - April 23rd (no classes Mar 17th + 19th)
Monday + Wednesday
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

The program is open to members and non members. Register on the app, member portal or email Margie Galanos at [email protected]